Been looking for this book for awhile. Good price, good description on the condition of book and timely shipping.
I haven't found a Nero Wolfe mystery that I didn't love. You are totally lost in the story unfolding...
I've wondered whether Michael Pritchard and Rex Stout ever met. He interprets Stout's work with such insight and feeling. In this book, Stout confronts another of the 1950s institutions: the advertising business and the "big contest" approach to promoting products. An advertising firm runs a million-dollar contest to promote perfume. The finalists have been asked to determine which perfume-using historical figure is depicted...
If you're interested in an audio edition, the unabridged recording narrated by Michael Pritchard is good. I look forward to the day A & E adapts it for the TV series.The advertising firm Lippert, Buff, and Assa (LBA) lost the creativity that made them successful when Lippert died some years ago. Their best hope was a rising young star, Louis Dahlmann, who named a new perfume for Heery Products, Inc., one of their best clients:...
Berfore Midnight is classic Rex Stout. Archie Goodwin and Nero Wolfe are called in by the operators of a national contest when the contestants use murder to achieve a winning edge. Stout at his best: Archie is witty and urbane and Wolfe his usual self. Highly recommend to fans of Rex Stout. Tightly written with a good mystery.