Beatrice is the little sister of Henry, who must write a report for school. Henry therefore needs to go to the library to research his topic. Because he is responsible for Beatrice, Beatrice must come along. Beatrice is the typical preschooler: petulant, easily bored, moody, and attention-seeking. Eventually, Henry finds something in the library that Beatrice enjoys. As others have noted, this story is not particularly...
Beatrice was a girl in 1981; in 2004 she was reborn as a beagle. What a difference 23 years and a change in style and technique make! "Beatrice Doesn't Want to" is Writer Laura Numeroff's updated colloboration with Illustrator Lynn Munsinger to present a stubborn pup instead of a whiny girl. I like it! The stubbornness is not fun for Brother Henry, but siblings need to learn how to get along with recalcitrant people. After...
This book arrived promptly and in great condition. It was very cute reading, highly recommended!
This is a children's book about a little girl, a little sister who has a preconception about books and has to go to the library with her older brother. Beatrice is a little girl who doesn't like books nor wants to go to the library with her brother Henry. But she has to go becuse he has to do a book report on dinosaurs, and she goes to the library for three day's in a row. Henry tries to suggest things for Beatrice to do...
[...] While the outcome might be predictable to you, in the eyes of a child it's probably not. We got this book out of the library, have had to renew it several times. My 4 year old daughter enjoys this book. She enjoys the expressions by both Beatrice and her brother Henry. This book has become part of the bedtime routine for over a month. I will say that as a parent I found some of the illustrations to be off. On...