I have worked on challenge courses for nearly ten years and used much of what I do there in my other life as a middle school teacher. This is the best single volume I've seen. I was thrilled to read up on some truly new ideas as well as most of the tried and true stalwarts. Too often I've bought a book only to find that it is a repackaging of ideas that have been around a while. There is some of this, but plenty of innovation...
Jim Cain recently conducted a workshop for our ACA group. He mentioned that the book came about because he was giving out a thick stack of hand-outs at his workshops that were darn close to a book. So he put them together and created this book. The energy and spirit that Jim shows in his workshops is clearly reflected in this book. Although nothing can really replace an "in-person" demonstration of the activities, this...
anyone who works with people in groups should have this book. not only do you learn activities, but you learn the how, what, when, where, and why for these activities. I have used several of the activities from the book with groups ranging from 10 to adult. Great job Jim and Barry.
I try to keep up on new books, especially in the field of teambuilding and cooperative games. I picked up a copy of Teamwork & Teamplay about 3 weeks ago, and I am still finding wonderful ideas, activities and information throughout the book. I needed some new activities for my youth group, there were many in this book. I needed to find some ideas for other books on group games, and I found an extensive bibliography...
Teamwork & Teamplay by Jim Cain and Barry Jolliff is one of the most complete texts I have ever read on the subject of adventure-based activities. The activities illustrated in Chapter 4 are numerous, and most were new to me. Chapter 5 shows how to construct each prop required for the activities, and the bibliography in Chapters 1 and 8 are without a doubt the most complete of any published to date. The writing style...