Japan's finest artists reimagine Batman and his adversaries in this ground-breaking anime feature. In an all-new story, The Dark Knight travels to a land ruled by sword-wielding samurai and ninja assassins. Beginning in Gotham City, Gorilla Grodd's time displacement machine malfunctions...
Japan's finest artists reimagine Batman and his adversaries in this ground-breaking anime feature. In an all-new story, The Dark Knight travels to a land ruled by sword-wielding samurai and ninja assassins. Beginning in Gotham City, Gorilla Grodd's time displacement machine malfunctions...
Japan's finest artists reimagine Batman and his adversaries in this ground-breaking anime feature. In an all-new story, The Dark Knight travels to a land ruled by sword-wielding samurai and ninja assassins. Beginning in Gotham City, Gorilla Grodd's time displacement machine malfunctions...
Japan's finest artists reimagine Batman and his adversaries in this ground-breaking anime feature. In an all-new story, The Dark Knight travels to a land ruled by sword-wielding samurai and ninja assassins. Beginning in Gotham City, Gorilla Grodd's time displacement machine malfunctions...
Japan's finest artists reimagine Batman and his adversaries in this ground-breaking anime feature. In an all-new story, The Dark Knight travels to a land ruled by sword-wielding samurai and ninja assassins. Beginning in Gotham City, Gorilla Grodd's time displacement machine malfunctions...