Batallas en el Gran Monte. Sab as que Dios tiene un dise o y prop sito para los lugares m s altos de la tierra? Este libro es una aventura por reveladores pasajes de la Biblia y por una de las cumbres m s alta de la tierra.
Porque Dios fue llamado "Dios de montes"? Porque su Ciudad escogida deb a estar en una cumbre?, Que llevo a Jes s a pasar sus ltimas horas orando en el huerto del monte de los Olivos?
El Se or hizo monta as en nuestras naciones por una raz n importante existe alguna cerca de ti? Este es un libro que contiene profundos tesoros, principios, y leyes espirituales, que te har n mirar los montes de una manera absolutamente diferente.
Conocer s el relato del esfuerzo de la Iglesia por ascender al Aconcagua, la monta a m s alta de Am rica y la segunda cumbre m s alta en el circuito que acreditan a un gran alpinista. Viajaras en la traves a de un equipo de intercesores de diferentes naciones, que batallaron con la altura extrema y el fr o de los lugares altos, y adem s con aquellos estratos espirituales que han oprimido a Am rica.
No te quede fuera. En este impactante libro conocer s su historia, y obtendr s el entendimiento espiritual de las cumbres de las naciones.
Battles on the Great Mount. Did you know that God has a design and purpose for the highest places on earth? This book is an adventure through revealing passages from the Bible and one of the highest peaks on earth.
Why was God called "God of the mountains"? Because his chosen city should be on a hill? What led Jesus to spend his last hours praying in the garden of the Mount of Olives?
The Lord made mountains in our nations for an important reason, is there any near you? This is a book that contains deep treasures, principles, and spiritual laws, which will make you look at the mountains in an absolutely different way.
You will know the story of the Church's effort to ascend Aconcagua, the highest mountain in America and the second highest peak in the circuit that is credited with being a great mountaineer. You will travel on the journey of a team of intercessors from different nations, who battled with the extreme height and cold of the high places, and also with those spiritual strata that have oppressed America.
Don't be left out. In this shocking book you will know its history, and you will obtain the spiritual understanding of the peaks of the nations.