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Action & Adventure Adventure Fiction Genre Fiction Literature & Fiction Science FictionI have read devotionals before but this is the cream of the crop. Dr. Carson points out, "The rising biblical illiteracy in Western culture means that the Bible is increasingly a closed book, even to many Christians (p. 11)." The purpose of this devotional is to get people back to reading the Bible. Carson does this by modifying Robert Murracy M'Cheyne's system of reading the Bible. Carson has four sections to be read...
Other 'devotionals' suffer from being guided by the author in 'what they thought' and can get 'mushy'. Carson keeps our focus in and upon the text of the bible passage for the day, and allows the context of the passage to speak first, then allowing the reader to draw conclusions for application today. I can't wait to get to it everyday - not because it is 'Don Carson', but because it is the Bible, and Don is a great servant...
I have been using this devotional for about 5 months now and I have missed very few days! It is an incredible work indeed. Carson is a master at showing how the entire Bible fits together. The Lord will bless you greatly as Carson, along with the Spirit, open your eyes to eternal truth!
I have been using Carson's book for my devotional material since February and have appreciated the author's mastery of the biblical text as well as his challenging applications for the Christian life. For the Love of God offers a refreshing change from the endless stream of superficial, biblically-barren devotional literature available on the market today.
As stated on the dust jacket, this book will "open the Bible to anyone who wants to understand Scriptue in its text and the larger framework of God's kingdom," "know the God of the Bible," and "discover how He works in the world and the lives of those who love Him." To understand the Bible and know the God of the Bible requires regular and extensive reading of the Bible; and a little expert help to keep the general picture...