In C.J. Box's Badlands, the town of Grimstad used to be a place people came from but were never headed to. Now it's the oil capital of North Dakota. With oil comes money, with money comes drugs, and with drugs come the dirtiest criminals Grimstad's new deputy...
In C.J. Box's Badlands, the town of Grimstad used to be a place people came from but were never headed to. Now it's the oil capital of North Dakota. With oil comes money, with money comes drugs, and with drugs come the dirtiest criminals Grimstad's new deputy sheriff...
A New York Times Bestselling Author An Edgar Award-winning Author Detective Cassie Dewell is the new deputy sheriff of Grimstad, a place people used to be from, but never headed to. Grimstad is now the oil capital of North Dakota. When the termperature drops to 30 below and a...