This short but richly detailed memoir by Thomas Jefferson offers a rare autobiographical glimpse into the fascinating mind of this Founding Father during the tumultuous events of his remarkable public career. In addition to being America's third President, Jefferson was Minister...
In addition to being our third President, Jefferson was Minister to France during the early stages of the French Revolution, wartime Governor of Virginia, Washington's Secretary of State and Vice President during the John Adams administration.
In 1821, at the age of seventy-seven, Thomas Jefferson decided to "state some recollections of dates and facts concerning myself." His ancestors, Jefferson writes, came to America from Wales in the early seventeenth century and settled in the Virginia colony. Jefferson's father,...
This short but richly detailed memoir by Thomas Jefferson offers a rare autobiographical glimpse into the fascinating mind of this Founding Father during the tumultuous events of his remarkable public career. In addition to being America's third President, Jefferson was Minister...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
Briefly sketches Jefferson's life and shares his statements concerning work, politics, history, government, the presidency, women, slavery, religion, and public policy.