A good resource for any student entering the field of North American Indian studies, this book is carefully organised and rendered. Waldman traces the many facets that have been used to explain who the North American Indians were, how they lived and where. The text is clear and direct, well-suited to the novice in this area of study. The wealth of maps and other illustrative material well supports the narrative, although...
They weren't joking when they said this was an exhaustive book, information wise. It's incredible! Not only do you have maps of everything from migrations of tribes to peyote usage, you also have chapter after chapter of the different cultural groups, full of details about daily life, wars, conflicts with the white settlers, etc. I use mine for reference--it's an amazing book. Get it!
It's actually hard, finding good books on American Indian topics that work in the classroom (I teach at a medium-sized public university). There are plenty of out-of-date books. Lots of terrible "pc" books. But few that actually convey information in an attractive and interesting fashion. This is definitely one of the latter type. The maps are clear, the illustrations accurate, and the amount of information presented...
I bought this book because I needed to have a clearer geographical picture on the North American Indian Nations covered by "500 Nations" (the TV-series and the CD-ROM). What I got is a lot more than I expected! The title "Atlas..." is truly an understatement! This book covers the geography, the social and historical issues involved in the genesis and evolution of these Great Nations!If you're looking for a very extensive...