Asset protection planning is essential, yet traditional methods aren't usually sufficient to address today's financial realities. Rethinking how you utilize limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and trusts can help you navigate the liability exposures of the twenty-first century.
Covering the techniques necessary to protect different asset classes as well as special planning structures such as entity trusts, group trusts, and enhanced IRA protection, authors Howard Rosen, Esq., and Patricia A. Donlevy-Rosen, Esq., offer an indispensable guide that educates professionals on the steps required to properly implement an effective asset protection structure for their clients.
With attention given to fraudulent transfers, state law exemption planning, and selected offshore trust jurisdictions, the book also covers sources of liability exposure, reporting requirements for the United States, and IRS scrutiny of abusive trust arrangements.
All in all, Asset Protection: A Guide for Professionals is an essential addition to your library if you are an attorney, accountant, or financial professional seeking to improve your understanding of asset protection planning in order to better serve your clients' wealth protection needs.