I love the way the book is written. I encourage all black women to read.
All ages of people and races.
She provided a surreal outlook of the black and human experience in the united states.
let start by saying; i hate autobiographies! yet two that have set my spirit on fire we Malcolm X's and Assata Shakur's. each opened my eyes to the struggles of the people during the 60's and 70's. showed the lengths the goverment went to to thwart the civil rights movement, the fight for equality and anyone involved. So You Think Your a Revolutionary? well read this book and find out what a true Revolutionary is. Assata's...
I felt compelled to write this letter, because this book is how black people in amerika really struggled back in the the late 60's early 70's. As a black young female, I feel our youth today has no idea half of the drama that our ancestors went through. We need to take the time with our children and read the stories of yester year. It may seem harsh at first, but then when they realize the struggles from the past they...