this is cute book geared to girls around the age of 10 or so. there is a whole series about each one of the disney princesses. each girl takes on the look, name, and traits of a different princess. this book is about belle. belle hosts her first sleepover ever and wants everything to go perfect. she plans out every last detail. the night goes great and belle doesnt' think that anything could happen, until the girls hear...
I love every Disney Girl book that I've read, but this is one of my favorites. (My other favorites are One Pet to Many and One of Us.) I really like the idea of Disney Girls, and I like the magic. If you like magic, you REALLY should read this book!!!!
This book is great for anyone who has grown up with all of the disney movies from Bambi to Beauty and the Beast . Join Isabelle Beamont and her friends Jasmine , Ariel , Yukiko , Paula , and Ella as they feel the magic in themselves grow with every step they take ,that is until the Beast comes along and video tapes them singing Disney songs and acting goofy . Can Isabelle get the tape back ? To find out you have to Buy...