The easy way to bake bread at home--all you need is FLOUR, WATER and SALT to get started
Begin your sourdough journey with the bestselling beginner's book on sourdough baking--over 200,000 copies sold Many bakers speak of their sourdough starter as if it has a magical life of its own, so it can be intimidating to those new to the sourdough world; fortunately with Artisan Sourdough Made Simple, Emilie Raffa removes the fear and proves that baking with sourdough is easy, and can fit into even a working parent's schedule Any new baker is inevitably hit with question after question. Emilie has the answers. As a professionally trained chef and avid home baker, she uses her experience to guide readers through the science and art of sourdough. With step-by-step master recipe guides, readers learn how to create and care for their own starters, plus they get more than 60 unique recipes to bake a variety of breads that suit their every need. Featured recipes include:The book has wonderful beginner instructions and the recipes for many types of sourdough and for discard as well.
Takes you through beginning to end with many suggestions along the way. Wonderful book!
Gives me courage to try to make my own sourdough starter.
I rarely write reviews, but if anyone reads this please don't hesitate to buy this book, you won't be disappointed. Ms. Raffa's recipes are clear and easy to follow. Everything I have made from this book (about 7 items in just three weeks) has been awesome. She clearly knows what she is doing and is a great writer. Her sourdough recipe is easy and delicious, but that's only the beginning. My simple sourdough starter has worked...
Good book.
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