I enjoyed this new take on fairy lore and that the main character, Artemis, is a teenage criminal mastermind. This book may be listed as a YA novel but I'm in my fifties and found this a very enjoyable read! I can't wait to read what adventures he gets into next!
This series is so great! It's intelligent and interesting, not to mention action-packed and full of fantastical fun! Read all the way up until the last book and you will not be disappointed! (don't read the last book though)
I had seen a number of my students reading these Artemis Fowl books, so I finally decided it was time for me to try them too. I was not disappointed in this first book, as it introduced a whole new take on the concepts of elves and especially dwarves (who we all knew liked to dig, but not quite in this way!). Artemis is a smart, likable character, even though he is a criminal, and this is the dilemma the reader faces: can...
I love the Artemis fowl series! It is a fun mix of modern tecnoligy and the farie people. It is about a 12 year old genius who is also a criminal mastermind. He is constanly trying to out fox the magical creatures. It is tale of how no matter how differnt people are they can always become friends and work together for good.
When you think of fairies, do you think of cute little winged creatures? Well, you are wrong. The book I read was Artemis Fowl. This book is about a boy named Artemis Fowl, who tries to kidnap a fairy and demand a ransom. He kidnaps Captain Holly Short, a recon officer. Her superior, Commander Root, sends an LEP (Lower Elements Police) retrieval team to try to rescue Holly. Butler, Artemis' bodyguard, is there to meet them...
Keeping kids occupied and learning during the summer months can be challenging. How about a book-to-screen reading challenge? Here are eight new or upcoming adaptations for younger audiences. Help your little ones get excited about reading the book before they watch the show.