I guaranteer reading this book will change your life! It is so well written and to the point. I read the whole thing in a day, I promise you this book is worth every single good review and every penny spent on it. Rarely yo books effect me so deeply, but this has left a lasting impact. It was the perfect summer read, however I'm it'd be a great fall/winter read as well. I'm still blown away by it's purity and emotional intensity...
This book got me through some hard times. My friend loned it to me during those dark times, and it brought me so much comfort. I can't wait to read it again
I just absolutely loved this book. It leaves a feeling of fulfillment and curiosity at the end of every chapter. Easily relatable.
This lyrical, emotional, real book is a masterpiece. It is one if the best books I’ve ever read. It changed my life. I highly recommend it.
This book suddenly switches gears midway through and the transition is awkward. The ending, though very touching, is implausibe. Otherwise the book was fine.
Our most recent survey with OnePoll asked 2,000 U.S. adults about their reading habits and what they look for in a book. And what we learned painted an illuminating portrait.
It's always fun to see our favorite books on the screen. But sometimes, the best literature gets adapted before we've had the chance to read it. Here's the latest, greatest in book-to-screen adaptations. Order your copy of the source material so you can read before you watch.
Thriftbooks enlisted OnePoll to survey 2,000 U.S. adults who read regularly to learn about the science (and magic) behind getting lost in a book. And what we learned turned into a captivating read.
Hispanic Heritage Month is an annual event held from September 15 to October 15. It is a chance to recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to US history and culture. In celebration, here are ten essential Hispanic-American authors.
Our TBR shelves may be bursting, but that doesn't stop us from browsing (and buying!) new books! Here are fifteen exciting October releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can pick up right now.