Aquatic Critters A to Z, Along the Shores of PCB, is a color children's book created by a mother/daughter duo. Marlene East, the author/co-illustrator, created unique and vibrant glass art marine animals found along the shores of Panama City Beach (PCB), Florida to illustrate this A to Z rhyming story. A young child happily visits grandparents who live near the sea because there are critters to see. Fish, birds, and crustaceans are represented in the alphabetical pages. Throughout a day, the family interacts with sea life such as chasing silly fiddler crabs, scramming from squishy jellyfish, naming a sea turtle, and netting sea urchins. The family ends the day with buckets full of aquatic critter memories to take home. By mentioning but not illustrating the family, readers may visualize themselves creating interactive memories with shore life. To accent the fused glass illustrations, the artist's daughter, Allie Anderson, a marketing professional, applied bold beachy kid fonts and bright backgrounds. A bonus feature for parents and educators to enjoy sharing with children is the "fun facts" at the end of the book. The marine science facts about each critter align with educational learning standards for young children. The 8.0" square size is easily held by preschoolers and early elementary school children. This book is perfect for libraries, classrooms, coastal gift shops and bookstores. It is estimated that 4.5 million people visit Panama City Beach each year. Aquatic Critters A to Z Along the Shores of PCB will be a treasured keepsake for families who visit PCB, as well as for families who reside along the coast.