Basically i bought this book for my english class, and comparing this book to other books the school uses it is much better, might as well buy something worth more of an educational value, than use the books text book. My friends have another class and got the same book(But i mean title wise) and because it is greek translated, theirs was more simple. So if you want a book that explains more of what is going on in the story,...
As a Classics major, I've had to read these plays countless times. Last semester, I picked up this book while writing a paper on Electra, and I fell in love with it. The text that I had previously admired for its ideas I now respected as a work of art. Kitto's words bring a life and humanity to the text that other translations lack. It was like reading the plays again for the first time.
H.D.F. Kitto was a distinguished interpreter of Greek tragedy. These translations, which were written for performance, are at once accurate, clear, and very elegant. Hall provides precisely as much information in the notes as the typical intelligent undergraduate requires. She also points out the few places in which Kitto has made minor departures from the Greek. I have found that undergraduates respond better to these...
oedipus the king, antigone, electra, this are the master pieaces of the greek tragedy. sophocles brings us the wonderfull mitology stories in a fantastic point of view. the bloody legassy that oedipus brings on his family apears on this wonderfull dramas. this tragedies are the finest creation of the greek culture, and a must to reed for any literture fan all over the world. the "hibris"- the crime of pride brings the characters...