Subcultures and outsiders from city streets around the world
Since the 1960s, Anders Petersen (born 1944) has traveled extensively and photographed life beyond the margins of polite society for his acclaimed City Diaries. Petersen's eye is an indiscriminate and intensely empathetic one, shaped by a fundamental connection with those he photographs--"To me, it's all about people ... what they do, what they believe, their dreams, hopes, visions and virtues." His subjects, including sex workers, alcoholics and nighttime lovers, reveal his passion to identify and engage with subcultures and "life in the shadows," not merely to document them. Presenting photos made between 1967 and 2019, City Diary #1-7 contains all books in the series to date: reprints of the first three--which received the Paris Photo-Aperture Foundation PhotoBook of the Year Award in 2012--alongside four new volumes.