This book seems to have been written and illustrated for my husband and I and our oldest 2 children. Every detail is as if they are speaking of and drawing our family. It touched my heart so much and I bought the books for my kids to always remember ...
We loved this book. A favorite of my kids. The illustrations are wonderful and sweet.
We found this book at our library and had to get our own copy, and then we had to buy its companion book, Marshmallow Kisses. Both evoke the delights of the seasons with sweet, simple but specific and unusual text and gorgeous, heavily detailed, folk art-style illustrations. These books make me want to run away with my family to a cozy, country life with cocoa and quilts, and they've been a big hit with our two-year-old,...
This is a beautiful book that makes you feel warm inside on a cold winter's day. I highly recommend it.
Try it, you will like it. For the best enjoyment, one should have a young child on one's lap to read it to
As Valentine's Day approaches, we're indulging in our favorite guilty pleasure—romance novels! We love love! Our newest poll takes a look at the secret lives of romance readers. Read on for all the juicy details!
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Kids, Cooking, Romance, Drama: February has it all.