La traici n sexual es devastadora. Rompe la conexi n m s estrecha que ten as con una de las personas m s importantes de tu vida: tu pareja. En este momento, mientras la herida todav a est abierta, tal vez es muy dif cil imaginar c mo t y tu pareja van a poner las piezas del rompecabezas de nuevo juntos. Tal vez dudes sobre el amor de tu pareja hacia ti, incluso creas que eres t la/el culpable. Pensar s que no vas a poderte curar nunca, perdonar a tu pareja (o a ti mismo(a)) y seguir adelante. Puede que tengas miedo sobre tu relaci n, creer s que ya nunca
va a ser segura, c lida, ni con la conexi n de antes y te sentir s insegura(o) para poder seguir adelante. Probablemente te sentir s asustada(o) y desalentada(o).
Sea lo que sea lo que est s pensando, sintiendo o temiendo actualmente, debes saber, en este momento, que si est s dispuesto(a) a intentar sanar tu relaci n y a ti mismo(a), puedes lograrlo. Si tu pareja y t est is dolidos, pero todav a os quer is verdaderamente y dese is que la relaci n funcione, ese tipo de sanaci n y restauraci n de los sentimientos es posible. Este libro puede orientarte en esta trayectoria de curaci n.
Leading marriage expert Dr. Stefanie Carnes explains her time-tested strategy to help couples conquer fear and restore their trust, intimacy and connection following a betrayal.
There is nothing that can rupture the loving connection between a couple like betrayal. Courageous Love provides a step-by-step guide for repairing your relationship, whether it is damaged by infidelity, pornography, or compulsive and addictive sexual behavior. Dr. Carnes teaches couples how to respond to one another with compassion and empathy and how to hold onto hope for their relationship.
This book is a must read for couples struggling with the aftermath of betrayal. Sexual betrayal is devastating. It shatters the close connection you had with one of the most precious people in your life: your partner. At this moment, while the wound is still fresh, it may be hard to imagine how you and your partner are ever going to put the pieces of the puzzle back together. Whatever it is that you are currently thinking, feeling, and fearing, you should know right now that if you're willing to try to heal yourself and your relationship, you can succeed in that endeavor. If you and your partner are hurting but still genuinely love each other and want to make it work, that type of healing and restoration is possible.