I have not read a better, clearer book on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Boice writes with clarity and focus that constantly draw the reader back to the feet of Jesus. This is a book that you should pull down again and again to read to be refreshed and reminded of what it means to follow Christ.
As Christians, at the point of our conversion, are called not only to Sonship with God, but also to a life of discipleship and close communion with Him. In this book, the author brings us through 14 familiar passages of the Bible that relates to many aspects of our Christian lives, of the meaning, path, costs and finally reward of discipleship. The points raised by the author are highly relevant to the life of a Christian...
This book has challenged me more than any other (save Scripture) to examine the quality of my relationship with Jesus Christ. Is He really the King of my life? Do I love Him enough that I am willing to deny myself, pick up my cross daily and follow Him? I cannot think of a topic (genuine discipleship) that is more missing from the modern church. How much better would our world be if Christ's Church, including me, would...
What are the costs of following and obeying Christ in this post-Christian era? The late Dr. Boice unflinchingly outlines what happens to the true Christian as they face today's challenges and temptations to compromise. Not for the social "Christian", this book will warn as well as encourage. Must reading.
This book is a very quick and easy read. But don't let that fool you. This book packs quite a punch. It talks about how Jesus defined discipleship and what Biblical discipleship looks like. This book is also practical. The author uses real-life examples from his own life and the lives of others. It is obvious the author has a very clear understanding of the topic of discipleship and wants the reader to have an equally clear...