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HistoryI’m purchasing this book because my son got addicted to Oxy. He 1st began using it as a result of an accident he was in and in no time was addicted to it. The past 10 years of his life have been Hell. Several of his friends died from Oxy overdose. Big Pharma lied to the Dr’s and FDA about the true facts about Oxy. I'm hoping this book can help. Everything else he tried has not worked. I suggested NA and AA since I am a recovered...
I am a fan of Jack Trimpey's. However, even I was a little put off by his anti-AA comments initially. I turned around, though, when I learned more. Those anti-AA comments are necessary for those of us in the public who haven't learned the truth about AA yet. And, it's impossible to learn the truth because schools, courts, television, articles, and "experts", seem to all spew the same party line. . . that AA is the "only...
After struggling through 12 years of on-and-off sobriety in AA, reinforced by their notion that we are "powerless" over alcohol, I finally arrived at the truth. Jack clearly demonstrates that not only are we *not* powerless over alcohol, but that achieving permanent abstinence is a simple process. I used to be a "recovering alcoholic" who's only hope for the future was tentative one-day-at-a-time sobriety, with daily meetings,...
Rational recovery does one thing that AA never will-- empower the individual. Rational recovery shows you that you can control your own behavior, that you don't have to spend the rest of your life dependent on a drug or a group. Step one of AA, on the other hand, is declaring yourself POWERLESS to control your own behavior and quit drugging. Sure, some people need AA to quit drinking because they can't accept the fact that...
As a tried and true AA retread, I finally got disgusted enough with myself to quit drinking nearly 4.5 years ago. I thought that since I had never been hospitalized, I would go through an out-patient program. I did, but they insisted I attend AA meetings. I wasn't thrilled with this requirement, and I drew the line at having an "attendance sheet" signed, but I did go to the meetings. I think that I was so thoroughly committed...