This book seeks to open up the concept of allyship to include all those subscribing to a morality of altruism where people simply work to advance humankind through empathy for each other and through science particularly for marginalized individuals or groups of people. It is a work in progress and a learning document as well subject to updates in real time.
It seeks to unite all of those working to build a better world for themselves, their families and humankind in general. The way we do it is through the morality of altruism. Endeavoring to help advance humanity and at the same time feeling great about it is something that unites all of us.
This morality of altruism can be referred to as the moral foundation of allyship and it exists not only in the workplace but in all aspects of society. In the book we break down the different types of allyship and how they are united by the altruism of morality meaning people advancing the greater good.
It is my hope that this book will move you from apathy to advocacy and unite allies in an effort to facilitate positive change not only nationally, but globally.
This book expands the concept of allyship from solely being in the workplace to that of integrating the efforts of altruists across society whom are working together to advance human kind towards a more equal society.
By unifying the altruists of the world (ie moral altruists) we can facilitate social change towards a more collegiate & egalitarian world.
The end goal is not only unifying allyship into one collective movement but activating that allyship into advocacy for positive change.
We engage in allyship when we adopt and espouse the morality of altruism and work to implement it into society. This has the natural effect of taking care of marginalized groups since the natural conclusion of the morality of altruism is an ideal society that has fraternity, is equal and is free.