Step into the gripping world of Detective Allison, a brilliant crime-solver whose life unravels when love takes a dangerous turn. In a world where she excels in solving mysteries, her romantic choices prove to be her greatest enigma. A secret relationship with a colleague, James, jeopardizes everything she's worked for. But as a new case unfolds, she realizes her heart has led her astray.
Caught in a web of emotions, Allison meets Harris, a captivating and successful man who promises a perfect future. Now, she's faced with a heart-wrenching dilemma: will she choose her career, her secret lover, or the chance at a picture-perfect love story?
With suspense, passion, and tough choices, 'Choices of the Heart' takes you on a thrilling journey through crime scenes, clandestine affairs, and the tumultuous quest for true love. Can Allison navigate the treacherous waters of her personal and professional life, or will her choices come back to haunt her? Dive into a story of love, crime, and the ultimate decisions in this captivating novel.