THIS IS THE BOOK THAT CHANGED AMERICA Beginning with the story of a simple burglary at Democratic headquarters and then continuing with headline after headline, Bernstein and Woodward kept the tale of conspiracy and the trail of dirty tricks coming -- delivering the stunning revelations and pieces in the Watergate puzzle that brought about Nixon's scandalous downfall. Their explosive reports won a Pulitzer Prize for "The Washington Post" and toppled...
No matter how massive our TBR stacks get, we're always finding new books we want to pile on! Here are 20 exciting October nonfiction releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
It's interesting to look back at pop culture that withstands the test of time. It's time for our annual roundup of some of the enduring titles hitting the half-century mark this year. Here are ten memorable books published in 1974.
Head back in time with us to the 1970s: an era that was awkward yet edgy, indulgent, while principled. Here, we look back at a time of upheaval and change, a time when divisions seemed vast and impassable, a time not unlike today.