It's a great informative book and covers USCMC tanks, ships, artillery, air-defense, personal weapons, armor, mines, spacesuits, etc...things not seen in the movie. What makes it superb is almost each weapon entry has a drawing so if you're a modeler, you can almost make a replica of the weapon or vehicle. Descriptive text accompanies each entry. And best of all, it MAKES SENSE! The drawings, ideas, and text aren't comic-book...
Ever wondered how the smartgun looks from the inside? What are the M577 APC specs? And what the HELL does the Company really want? Find out by reading this brilliant extension to the `Aliens' masterpiece. (If you're into guns, you'll notice that the M41A Pulse-rifle is a mocked-up version of the M1A1 Thompson, and the Smartgun is based on the german MG 42...) So, you're wishes will be fulfilled, and much, much more! ;o
Excellent book that goes into detail about almost every aspect of the colonial marines featured in Aliens. Also, it's clear that the creators of the game "Aliens vrs. Predator" used this book, as certain weapons, symbols, and features (such as the smartgun and SADAR) are explained in detail, and correlate with the game. If you can't get enough of an "Aliens" fix from the game and the first two movies (let's just leave...
I only reluctantly picked up this book when I saw it in a bookshop--I figured, another cheesy fan-boy tie-in. Was I surprised! Utterly flabbergasted! The author obviously did his research. I've been in the Navy for a few years, and the Techman reads like a modern military digest. The weapons sound like plausible evolutions of modern weapons; they have their good points and kinks. They have correct military designations,...
This book is based off of the premise of a technical manual writen as a MArine PR piece. The book is full of psuedo scientific explanations for everything that we saw in the first and second movies, from the dropship design to the actual biology of the aliens themselves. It's all complemented very well by ample pictures and quotes from "actual" colonial marines. It's addicting, I find that i pick it up every now and again...