Of all those who have set out to conquer the world, Alexander the Great came closest to finishing the job. The son of King Philip II of Macedonia, from an early age he was taught that he was a descendant of Achilles and Hercules and was conditioned for conquest and kingly glory. Alexander was educated by the philosopher Aristotle and first led troops when he was just eighteen. In 336 BC, King Philip was killed and Alexander ascended to the throne...
This book is more an essay on Alexander the man than a study of Alexander the general, though all the campaigns and major battles are mentioned. The author discusses both positive and negative aspects of Alexander. There is some discussion of his father Phillip, but essentially no discussion on the Successors. There is only one map, covering Alexander's entire march, but enough sites are listed on the it to make it useful...
Have been inspired by the Alexander the Great since my childhood, I have tried to read everyting possible over him, intenet, bookstore, library and even documentation film. Here is the very site to get all necessary information.