A peasant and thief finds a magical lamp deep in the desert. Upon rubbing the lamp, the peasant releases a talkative genie who is bound to grant him three wishes. The peasant wishes for the life of luxury and his world is turned upside down. As he courts the beautiful princess...
A peasant and thief finds a magical lamp deep in the desert. Upon rubbing the lamp, the peasant releases a talkative genie who is bound to grant him three wishes. The peasant wishes for the life of luxury and his world is turned upside down. As he courts the beautiful princess...
A peasant and thief finds a magical lamp deep in the desert. Upon rubbing the lamp, the peasant releases a talkative genie who is bound to grant him three wishes. The peasant wishes for the life of luxury and his world is turned upside down. As he courts the beautiful princess...
A peasant and thief finds a magical lamp deep in the desert. Upon rubbing the lamp, the peasant releases a talkative genie who is bound to grant him three wishes. The peasant wishes for the life of luxury and his world is turned upside down. As he courts the beautiful princess...
A peasant and thief finds a magical lamp deep in the desert. Upon rubbing the lamp, the peasant releases a talkative genie who is bound to grant him three wishes. The peasant wishes for the life of luxury and his world is turned upside down. As he courts the beautiful princess...
A peasant and thief finds a magical lamp deep in the desert. Upon rubbing the lamp, the peasant releases a talkative genie who is bound to grant him three wishes. The peasant wishes for the life of luxury and his world is turned upside down. As he courts the beautiful princess...
A peasant and thief finds a magical lamp deep in the desert. Upon rubbing the lamp, the peasant releases a talkative genie who is bound to grant him three wishes. The peasant wishes for the life of luxury and his world is turned upside down. As he courts the beautiful princess...