Flandry, here a captain, undergoes a series of adventures: He is abducted by the Scothians, an alien race hoping to invade the Terran Empire; rescues the Emperor's kidnapped granddaughter; meets Aycharaych, his nemesis in league with the Merseians; and investigates a previously...
Flandry, here a captain, undergoes a series of adventures: He is abducted by the Scothians, an alien race hoping to invade the Terran Empire; rescues the Emperor's kidnapped granddaughter; meets Aycharaych, his nemesis in league with the Merseians; and investigates a previously...
Flandry, here a captain, undergoes a series of adventures: He is abducted by the Scothians, an alien race hoping to invade the Terran Empire; rescues the Emperor's kidnapped granddaughter; meets Aycharaych, his nemesis in league with the Merseians; and investigates a previously...
Flandry, here a captain, undergoes a series of adventures: He is abducted by the Scothians, an alien race hoping to invade the Terran Empire; rescues the Emperor's kidnapped granddaughter; meets Aycharaych, his nemesis in league with the Merseians; and investigates a previously...