The Institute of Medicine's Forum on the Science of Health Care Quality Improvement and Implementation held a workshop on January 16, 2007, in Washington, DC. The workshop had its roots in an earlier forum meeting when forum members discussed what is meant by the terms "quality improvement" and "implementation science" and became convinced that they mean different things to different people. At the time, the members also discussed the need to identify barriers to quality improvement research and to implementation science. Thus the purpose of this workshop was to bring people together from various arenas to discuss what quality improvement is, and what barriers exist in the health care industry to quality improvement and also to research about quality improvement.
The summary that ensues is thus limited to the presentations and discussions during the workshop itself. We realize that there is a broader scope of issues pertaining to this subject area but are unable to address them in this summary document.
The workshop's first session was devoted to experiences that various institutions have had with quality improvement. Recognizing the wealth of experiences available outside of health care services, the workshop included presenters from outside the health care service industry as well as from inside. This includes discussions from a variety of perspectives: non-health care services, health plans, hospitals, and nursing. Advancing Quality Improvement Research: Challenges and opportunities - Workshop Summary describes the events of the workshop.
I have found this book to be extremely practical in its application to everyday life, both as a parent and beginning-therapist. It provides readers simple ways to identify overindulgence and methods for avoiding or overcoming it. This is a must-have for parents who believe that children benefit from clear boundaries. WARNING: it may cause you to rethink your parenting style and increase self-awareness! :) More work from these...
What is overindulgence? Many people think that overindulging their child means to spoil them, but in reality, overindulgence is much more complex. In the newly released book How Much Is Enough?, authors Jean Illsley Clarke, PH.D, Connie Dawson, PH.D, and David Bredehoft, PH.D, strive to show parents and other influential adults how to raise children who are considerate, responsible, and polite by teaching them all about overindulgence...
Overindulgence may be the farthest thing from a child welfare social worker's mind when the subject of child maltreatment, child abuse, or child neglect comes under discussion. Overindulgence, while not a statutory category of child maltreatment, may provide a lens and language useful in multi-problem child welfare cases that enhances assessment and effective strengths-based communications with courts, advocates, therapists,...
My first impulse is to say "yes" to my kids when they ask. I thought that was part of what being a parent was about. I want them to have fun, I want them to be happy, but I also want them to be functional, competent adults. This book gives me the information I need to be able to say "no" and have it stick, to establish boundaries, lay out expectations, and reward appropriate behaviors. Now I know that doing so gives my children...
As parents of a toddler, my spouse and I work hard everyday at giving our child the best of ourselves and the world around her. This book is a wonderful guide that reminds us how to give the best, and that the best isn't always more of something. The book is filled with examples that really drive home the main concepts. Additionally, the writing is very straightforward, making it easy to apply to one's own life. I find myself...