A companion resource to Math Misconceptions, Activities to Undo Math Misconceptions provide explicit instructional ideas and engaging activities that can be implemented in any classroom. Aligned with the NCTM Standards, this practical guide includes classroom vignettes and problem-based situations that provide additional insight into the misconception or error pattern that is being described. Relevant research is offered as well as a range of time-saving instructional suggestions.
Activities to Undo Math Misconceptions, Grades PreK-2
address the most common errors found in each of the five NCTM content strands: number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability offer numerous instructional ideas ("What to Do") for correcting common errors and preventing misconceptions from taking root include black line masters for more than 30 activities and games that can be immediately incorporated into your classroom instruction help guide your formative assessment with suggested "Look Fors" as students work through the activities.Additional online resources include editable versions of the blackline masters (in both English and Spanish), allowing you to customize the activities for your particular classroom.