According to the Code; Forrest's Last Charge is a historical fiction novel written by Irvin S. Cobb. The book is set during the American Civil War and follows the story of General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his cavalry as they make their final charge against the Union army. The...
""According to the Code; Forrest's Last Charge"" is a historical fiction novel written by Irvin S. Cobb. The story is set during the American Civil War and follows the life of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest. The novel focuses on Forrest's final charge at the Battle...
""According to the Code; Forrest's Last Charge"" by Irvin S. Cobb is a historical novel set during the American Civil War. The book follows the story of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his final charge at the Battle of Selma in Alabama. The novel is based on real...