There are a lot of things I love about this book. I was into it and wish there was a big DVD series I could watch that talked about it. But the best thing I got from it was learning through Helen's, and her colleagues, trials and forgiveness lessons. I'm not sure if it was in this book or another one of Ken's books, but he talks about being able to learn from others forgiveness lessons and there are so many in this book. ...
This book gives A Course in Miracles much needed context, i.e. Helen and Bill's relationship, and makes large parts of it more easily understandable. The story of how the Course came about is a truly amazing one, and it's fascinating to read about the personal help given to Helen and Bill by Jesus, printed here, which didn't make it into the Course itself. This book really comes to life once the Course dictation starts, seeming...
This is one of those indispensable books, along with Gary Renard's DU and YIR, that the serious ACIM student should definitely consider having. I had a rather different impression of Helen Shucman until I read Absence from Felicity. It puts into perspective the scribing of the Course, the events that led up to and ensued during the scribing, and the complexities surrounding Helen's relationship with Bill Thetford and others...
This work is an invaluable historical resource for students of A Course In Miracles. Mr. Wapnick painstakingly details the life of Helen Schucman and the scribing of ACIM. He also provides many valuable examples of personal material between Helen and Jesus. Although difficult reading, it is essential for anyone who wants to know the story of how the Course came to be. Students of the Course the world over are grateful...
Although I am Catholic and do not believe in "A Course in Miracles", I think this book is the best reference to anyone who wants to know about Helen Schucman's life and her writing of the Course. I know Mr. Wapnick personally and know that he is very sincere in telling us about his experiences with Helen.