Praise for A World So Filled...
In A World So Filled, author Jeff Price invites us into a world of wisdom and wonder. Like Jeff, this collection will educate as to what it means to be of and in Tennessee. It is a world filled with grit, grace, gratitude, and greatness, and one worth revisiting, perhaps on an unseasonably warm winter day on a patio sitting next to a boon companion with a good book and an ice-cold beer.
-Lisa Kamolnick, President, Poetry Society of Tennessee
The world so filled Price describes in this collection not only invites love but demands it and creates it. Sometimes love comes with great color and noise and sometimes it comes on a gray Tennessee day in silence: A World So Filled is a testament to the blessing that it is to be gifted with both.
-Brinn Copp, former student and member of the All-Price Classroom
A World So Filled is a warm gaze into a lived-in experience. Novel in its circumstance, yet reachable in its emotion, Coach Price (as I know him) grants the reader a privileged peek into a life that is enviable in its richness. Inspiration, regret, joy, pain, and, most importantly, love are all in attendance in this genuine walk through an authentic existence."
-Chase Diehl, former wrestler and student
Jeff Price's second poetry collection, A World So Filled tells the story of a speaker who has listened for the "Damascus Road voice" and writes to share the love story. With this unified group of poems, Price's "words are maps" for his readers to contemplate time and God's mysteries-musings that link like chain mail passed down from one adventurer to another.
-Seth Grindstaff, friend and colleague
Through intimate tales of love, loss, and the everyday struggles and triumphs of teaching, Price invites readers to notice and wonder in A World So Filled. From poignant reflections on faith and family to unexpected connections found between White's Lancelot/Gwen and Taylor Swift's Enchanted, his words resonate with a heartfelt sincerity that captures the essence of an authentic, real existence. Whether you're savoring a quiet moment with a beloved book or sharing laughter with friends over suds, A World So Filled, with its blend of grace and grit, reminds us of the enduring beauty found in human connections and the landscapes we all call home..
-Alex Kinder, friend and colleague
About the Author
Jeff Price is now in his thirty-third year as an English teacher, twenty-four at Science Hill High School in Johnson City, Tennessee. He spent thirty-eight years coaching wrestling on all levels, a career which earned him a spot in the Tennessee Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame and has included stops in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia. He currently resides in Johnson City with his wife Julie, as well as a pair of cats, Mister and Cleo, and his new boon companion in training, Cash the puppy, yet another rescue dog who is rescuing him.
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