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Determination Friendship Mice Patience Problem Solving Resilience Children's Literature Animals Bears Children'sChina Bayles' best friend and business associate Ruby Wilcox has decided to hold a weekly Tarot class, and China reluctantly agrees to attend. It is Halloween season and with growing rumors of devil worship and the digging up of graves to reinvestigate a couple of past deaths, the citizens of Pecan Springs are understandably on edge. Stirring up the situation is a local evangelistic pastor and activist who decides to picket...
I loved every page of "Witches Bane" and look forward to reading more in the China Bayles series. The characters were fun, the story moved along at a brisk pace, lots of humor was tossed in, clue gradually built toward solving the mystery, making this a very enjoyable book. In this one, China's friend Ruby starts a Tarot class that gets the group accused of being witches, one member is bruatally murdered and the crime is...
This is my first book in the series, and although I enjoyed reading this mystery, I thought the author didn't do a good enough job on the plotting. My secret method of guessing the killer worked like a charm on this book, as I think it will with other experienced mystery readers. Still, the characters and writing were enjoyable enough that I intend to continue reading more in the series. THe plot involves a killing that...
Strange things have been going on in the Texas town of Pecan Springs. A town resident has discovered dead chickens with piles of coins nearby. Another resident has discovered one of his goats killed, also with a pile of money nearby. To make matters even worse, China Bayles' friend Ruby Wilcox has started teaching a class on reading tarot cards. Then a Bible-thumping preacher arrives in Pecan Springs and starts accusing...
I had the pleasure of hearing the author speak recently and discuss her mysteries and her vast knowledge of herbs. I'm not the usual mystery fan but I liked this book because it creates interesting characters that are multidimensional and it presents lots of interesting herb lore. You learn from this novel and you also have an interesting ride on the search for a killer. Her details on the modern religion of Wicca are...