Very few books can reach into your mind and heart and be the catalyst to making concrete changes in your daily life. A Thomas Jefferson Education is one of these powerhouses. A newer version has been released and I recommend you start with that one. But prepare yourself to challenge the way you have always thought about education and start an exciting, new journey - for yourself and your kids.
Before adopting this theory of education, I hoped that pulling my daughter out of school and home schooling her would give her a hope of graduating from high school, and with some part of her self esteem intact. Collage was something I had given up on. After about 6 months, we are still struggling to follow the path set forth in the book. It is, after all, a complete lifestyle change as well as an education. (It is...
Van Demille argues that even though there are many quality teachers in the school system, the quality of educations has suffered from a reliance on curriculum, pedagogy, standardized tests, rote memorization, and a "conveyor belt" mentality that has lowered expectations to an unacceptable level. As a College Professor, I require my students to read this book. They need to step out of their perception that the institution...
My theories, hopes, expectations, and dreams for homeschooling our children are all laid out in this book. It has classic book lists in the back divided by age range (Dr. Seuss is on the list!), step-by-step instructions for how to become an effective mentor to your child or classroom, and succinctly and interestingly describes the current failures of "traditional" classroom methodology. (I'm a former public school teacher,...
A Thomas Jefferson Education is perhaps the most important book published in the field of education in at least 20 years. It is based on the educational method that George Wythe used when he taught many of the founding fathers (George Wythe was the teacher that taught Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, James Madison, and over 20 other Founding Fathers (Senators, Representatives, Governors and Judges). Clearly, George Wythe was...