In A Study in Scarlet, readers are introduced to the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes in his very first case. This groundbreaking novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle blends suspense, intricate reasoning, and brilliant deductions to solve a mysterious murder. Holmes' partnership with Doctor Watson begins here, creating one of literature's most famous duos. Set against the backdrop of Victorian London, the novel explores the complexities...
Looking for a new crime to solve? Full of twists, turns, surprises—and a few cats—these twelve beloved detectives and amateur-sleuths will have you binge-reading all night. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about them to pick the perfect next mystery series to sink into.
Are you noticing a proliferation of furry faces around you? Maybe it's due to cooler weather, but more likely it's because of Movember, a month dedicated to raising awareness around men's health—with facial hair. Here's our recommended reading list.
What books changed your life? Maybe as a child, or later. Here are some that people told us changed their lives.