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Betrayal Family Dynamics Identity Jealousy Magic Revenge Sexuality Violence Urban Fantasy Forbidden LoveI have to say, I have read the book and loved it, I have all of the Merry Gentry stories. However, I have found a new medium and love for my books. I drive alot because of work and I have found a new fascination with this series because of audio books. I have just finished the audio version. Like most busy people who live in ther cars, I tried it. It was spoken, as you should read it (slow and in the time of the characters)...
This is the 4th book in the series about Princess Meredith of the faerie Unseelie Court. The faeries are broken up into the Seelie Court of Light and Illusion and the Unseelie Court of Air and Darkeness. To become heir to the throne of the Unseelie Court the Queen has set both Meredith and her sadistic son Prince Cel on a race to become/get someone pregnant, to insure that the blood lines will survive. Once someone is pregnant...
I've read every Meredith Gentry and Anita Blake novel written by Laurell Hamilton to date. There is SOMETHING she's working out in these stories that addresses life, death, power, women and men. It keeps me coming back for more. Be warned, these are SERIES... I read the first 50 pages of Stroke of Midnight, then jumped to the last 50 pages to see where THIS installment would end, then jumped back to the middle and read the...
Okay, let's get a few things straight. The Sidhe like sex, and they have no inhibitions about sex or nudity. A lot of people seem to have trouble dealing with that. As in many myths, Hamilton is tying sex in with magic and power. A lot. Hence, Merry's sex is tied in with rewakening powers of the Faerie world. If you can't handle that, don't read these books. The first two books basically had Merry trying to survive. As with...
I thoroughly enjoyed the latest Merry Gentry novel. Politics and Intrigue among the Unseelie Sidhe provide the back drop for Princess Merideth's further adventures as she dodges assassination attempts and the workings of enemies from both her bloodline, the Seelie Sidhe and unknown malefactors who may be targeting both Sidhe Courts. There is a wealth of sensual detailing and luscious erotic encounters as Merry plays conduit...