Riveting and brilliantly structured, A Simple Favor is an edge-of-your seat domestic thriller about a missing wife and mother that relies on a rotating cast of unreliable narrators to ingeniously examine the cost of competitive mom-friends, the toll of ordinary marital...
"Darcey Bell ramps up suspense with authority in this domestic thriller, in which actions seem as inevitable as they are chilling. The audience that made Gone Girl a publishing sensation is likely to take to this one, too." --Booklist (starred review) A...
"Riveting and brilliantly structured, A Simple Favor is an edge-of-your seat domestic thriller about a missing wife and mother that relies on a rotating cast of unreliable narrators to ingeniously examine the cost of competitive mom-friends, the toll of ordinary marital discontent...
Riveting and brilliantly structured, A Simple Favor is an edge-of-your seat domestic thriller about a missing wife and mother that relies on a rotating cast of unreliable narrators to ingeniously examine the cost of competitive mom-friends, the toll of ordinary marital...
TODO COMENZ? CON UN PEQUE?O FAVOR, UNA AMABILIDAD ORDINARIA QUE LAS MAM?S HACEN UNAS POR OTRASCuando su mejor amiga, Emily, le pide a Stephanie que recoja a su hijo Nicky despu?s de la escuela, acepta sin siquiera dudarlo. Nicky y su hijo, Miles, son compa?eros de clase...