""A Sailor In Spite Of Himself"" is a novel written by Harry Castlemon and published in 1897. The story follows the adventures of a young man named Dick Crawford, who is forced to become a sailor against his will. Despite his initial reluctance, Dick learns to love life at sea...
A Sailor In Spite Of Himself is a novel written by Harry Castlemon and originally published in 1897. The story follows the adventures of a young man named Jack Mason, who is determined to become a sailor despite his family's objections. Jack's father wants him to become a lawyer,...
Charles Austin Fosdick (September 6, 1842 - August 22, 1915), better known by his nom de plume Harry Castlemon, was a prolific writer of juvenile stories and novels, intended mainly for boys. He was born in Randolph, New York, and received a high school diploma from Central High...
A Sailor in Spite of Himself by Harry Castlemon has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current...