I read this a year ago and I'm reading it again now. Out of all the criminals Ann Rule writes about, Randy Roth boggles my mind the most. This man had a plan for EVERYTHING. He was able to pick vulnerable women, almost a sixth sense for him to find the right woman to manipulate so his next plan could be put into action. Of the women Ann writes about, most of them (except perhaps Donna Sanchez (first wife) and Lily Vandiveer...
I always enjoy Ann Rule's books, and this one was no exception. The main story was a real page turner. I could not put the book down. Ann did an incredible job of making me feel I knew all of the characters, even the victims. My heart ached for these young single mothers who were victimized by Randy Roth. I cannot imagine a more cruel human being than one who intentionally orphans little children, merely for money. The...
I am an avid fan of Ann Rule who awaits her every new book release with baited breath. This book did not disappoint me. It tells the story of an avaricious misogynist whose complete lack of empathy for others left two innocent women dead, two children orphaned, and countless others emotionally scarred for life, all because they had the supreme misfortune of crossing the path of a man who wished to use, abuse, and discard...
I had to keep this book with me at all times. On the bus to and from work, even lunch hours. Ann Rule gives expert background on both the killers and the victims....she makes it so that you feel that you knew the families involved. This is my first book from Ann Rule, and needless to say, she is my new favorite author!