A good read, not too much mental stimulation, but enough that it was interesting and I could finish it.
A recipe for a perfect murder mystery. Joan Hess is amazing once again!!!!!!! If your looking for a mystery that will drag you to the next page start reading! The book has a cliffhanger at the end of every page. If you like a good mystery that suprises you and has a great plot, READ ONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was the first Joan Hess book that I read. I picked it up by chance at the library. I am now totally hooked on her books. I love the Maggody series as well as this one. This book is entertaining and funny. It introduces some charecters that are important to the series down the road. It also was extremely funny. This particular book in the series allows you to really begin to identify with her charecter. Though not her...
Fans of Joan Hess won't be disappointed with this one.The fun starts when Claire Malloy gets conned into directing the Miss Thurberfest pageant and the reigning beauty queen, Cyndi, turns up dead? Whodunnit?? There are plenty of suspects...the slick and slimy senator Stevenson...Arnie, the drunken chauffeur..or possibly Eunice,Cyndi's "trainer" (She was once Miss Cherry Tomato)Claire solves the mystery with just a little...
Joan Hess captured a new and devoted reader with her mystery, A Really Cute Corpse. Using Claire Malloy, an appealing female investigator who is both wise and witty, Hess side-steps blood and violence and focuses on character developement and humor--attractive components to female readers of any age.A consumate Dorothy Gilman fan (author of the Mrs. Pollifax series and other delightful books) I now search the H authors...