The sequel to Don Freeman's beloved classic Corduroy! After meeting in a department store in Corduroy's first story, Corduroy and Lisa do everything together. One day Lisa takes Corduroy to the laundromat where, on the search for a pocket of his own, he goes...
This irresistible childhood classic is a delightful sequel to the original, well-loved tale Corduroy. This charming story takes readers into a multi-ethnic, urban neighborhood Laundromat, where Lisa's mother warns her to take everything out of her pockets before washing. Pockets!...
The continuing adventures of Corduroy, the endearing teddy bear. Book and cassette.
The continuing adventures of Corduroy, the endearing teddy bear. Book and cassette.
In this heartwarming sequel, Corduroy wants a pocket for his overalls. Surprisingly, he decides that the laundromat is the ideal place to find one! Text copyright 2004 Lectorum Publications, Inc.