I've read all of Reilly's other novels, and he just keeps getting better. This novel starts with action and keeps you glued until the climax. If you like James Rollins, Clancy, you'll like Reilly. His books are just like the action blockbuster movies, but only more enjoyable and the world he paints with words is a fantastic as your imagination.
This was a great way to end this series. The book picks up right where the other let off. One of best parts of this is that the author saw fit to give us all a reprise of the previous events to refresh our memory. That was a terrific way to star out and I wish all series authors would do the same. When there are large periods of time between novels, a review is really helpful. This book will not disappoint. Enjoy! Anxiously...
See synopsis' above. Just wanted to say I loved the previous two in this series but found this one to be just a hair less enjoyable, though it still warrants 5 stars for its non-stop over the top adventure. Yes it's high speed action that requires suspension of belief, but when it comes to a good fast rollercoaster ride, it's a blast and you just can't beat it. I love this kind of adrenaline filled novel.
That's right Indiana Jones is a wimp compared to Jack West! Hyperbole? Okay you got me there, yes. Seriously when was the last time you had fun reading a book? Well if you said 7 DEADLY WONDERS or THE 6 SACRED STONES,you would be right. Matthew Reilly is the master of the over the top, gung ho, escapist adventure. All of his books are a non-stop action rush with history throw in. This one has really good guys, really...
I received an advance copy of 'The 5 Greatest Warriors' many months ago, and I have been patiently (make that IMpatiently) waiting for it to come out so I could finally write my review, so let's dive in: At the end of 'The 6 Sacred Stones' we were left with a cliff-hanger--LITERALLY. Well, truth-be-told, it was more of a fall, but you get the idea. Jack West is once again left in a situation which ONLY Matthew Reilly could...
Literary giant Ernest Hemingway was a bullish character who captured the public interest with his colorful life. An ardent adventurer, he poured his experiences into rich, stirring tales, written in his singular, understated prose. To celebrate his birthday, here are seven surprising facts about the iconic figure.
Suzanne Collins captured the world’s attention with her blockbuster Hunger Games trilogy. Now she’s back with a prequel to the thrilling saga. Here, we tell you a bit about about the author, her background, her inspirations, and her favorite books.
Five words you never want to hear in a comparative lit class?
"Yeah, going off of that..."
Which, when translated to normal human speak, actually means "This in no way relates to the point you just made, but I really love to hear myself talk." Every English major knows the scenario: The class circles up after reading (or not reading) a beautifully crafted piece of literature, and an intellectually-indulged twenty-something decides to hijack the discussion with the deluded idea that they have the book completely figured out. But the thing about great literature is that no one has managed to totally figure it out – that's why it stands apart as a selection of work that we all keep coming back to. Plus nothing kills an engaging class discussion quite like an unchecked know-it-all. Whether you're the type of student who's read the book before it was assigned, or who only highlights quotes they find on sparknotes, these ten works of literature are worth a second (or third) read. And here's a plus; two of them are comic books.