A breathtaking blend of psychological complexity, haunting atmosphere, compelling twists, and impressive detail, the novels in the Ian Rutledge mystery series have garnered their author widespread acclaim and numerous honors and awards. At the heart of the series is the compelling...
"Todd's Ian Rutledge mysteries are among the most intelligent and affecting being written these days." -- Washington Post Critics have called Charles Todd's historical mystery series featuring shell-shocked World War One veteran Inspector Ian Rutledge "remarkable" ( New York...
"Todd's Ian Rutledge mysteries are among the most intelligent and affecting being written these days." -- Washington Post Critics have called Charles Todd's historical mystery series featuring shell-shocked World War One veteran Inspector Ian Rutledge "remarkable" ( New York...
"Todd's Ian Rutledge mysteries are among the most intelligent and affecting being written these days." Critics have called Charles Todd's historical mystery series featuring shell-shocked World War One veteran Inspector Ian Rutledge "remarkable"...
--Washington Post