The timeless tale of William (Heath Ledger) and his band of medieval misfits - including serious, soft-hearted Roland (Mark Addy), hot-headed, flame-haired Wat (Alan Tudyk) and unemployed writer Geoff Chaucer (Paul Bettany) - careening towards impossible glory, A Knight's Tale...
The timeless tale of William (Heath Ledger) and his band of medieval misfits - including serious, soft-hearted Roland (Mark Addy), hot-headed, flame-haired Wat (Alan Tudyk) and unemployed writer Geoff Chaucer (Paul Bettany) - careening towards impossible glory, A Knight's Tale...
The timeless tale of William (Heath Ledger) and his band of medieval misfits - including serious, soft-hearted Roland (Mark Addy), hot-headed, flame-haired Wat (Alan Tudyk) and unemployed writer Geoff Chaucer (Paul Bettany) - careening towards impossible glory, A Knight's Tale...
The timeless tale of William (Heath Ledger) and his band of medieval misfits - including serious, soft-hearted Roland (Mark Addy), hot-headed, flame-haired Wat (Alan Tudyk) and unemployed writer Geoff Chaucer (Paul Bettany) - careening towards impossible glory, A Knight's Tale...
The timeless tale of William (Heath Ledger) and his band of medieval misfits - including serious, soft-hearted Roland (Mark Addy), hot-headed, flame-haired Wat (Alan Tudyk) and unemployed writer Geoff Chaucer (Paul Bettany) - careening towards impossible glory, A Knight's Tale...
The timeless tale of William (Heath Ledger) and his band of medieval misfits - including serious, soft-hearted Roland (Mark Addy), hot-headed, flame-haired Wat (Alan Tudyk) and unemployed writer Geoff Chaucer (Paul Bettany) - careening towards impossible glory, A Knight's Tale...
The timeless tale of William (Heath Ledger) and his band of medieval misfits - including serious, soft-hearted Roland (Mark Addy), hot-headed, flame-haired Wat (Alan Tudyk) and unemployed writer Geoff Chaucer (Paul Bettany) - careening towards impossible glory, A Knight's Tale...