Beginning in prehistoric times and culminating with the Dacke rebellion of 1542, renowned novelist Vilhelm Moberg's two-volume popular history of the Swedish people approaches its subject from the viewpoint of the common people, documenting peasants' lives as well as those of...
Beginning in prehistoric times and culminating with the Dacke rebellion of 1542, renowned novelist Vilhelm Moberg's two-volume popular history of the Swedish people approaches its subject from the viewpoint of the common people, documenting peasants' lives as well as those of...
Vilhelm Moberg nskede med bogserien "Min Sverigeshistorie" at fort lle om folket til folket. Det skulle ikke handle om konger og store krige, men om almuens historie, og i f rste bind fort ller Moberg om vikingetiden og middelalderen. Han afholdt sig dog ikke helt fra de kongelige,...