"The creation of the United States of America is the greatest of all human adventures," begins Paul Johnson. "No other national story holds such tremendous lessons, for the American people themselves and for the rest of mankind." In his prize-winning classic, Johnson presents...
"As majestic in its scope as the country it celebrates. Johnson's] theme is the men and women, prominent and unknown, whose energy, vision, courage and confidence shaped a great nation. It is a compelling antidote to those who regard the future with pessimism."--...
"As majestic in its scope as the country it celebrates. Johnson's] theme is the men and women, prominent and unknown, whose energy, vision, courage and confidence shaped a great nation. It is a compelling antidote to those who regard the future with pessimism."--...
"La creacion de los Estados Unidos es la mayor de las aventuras humanas", dice Paul Johnson al comienzo de esta obra. "Ninguna otra historia nacional ofrece lecciones tan tremendas para el propio pueblo estadounidense y para el resto de la humanidad." La suya es una reinterpretacion...
Audible.com's #1 Highest Rated Audiobook of 2009
Johnson's monumental history of the United States extends from the first settlers to the Clinton administration and covers every aspect of American culture: politics, business, art, literature, science, social customs,...