First published in 1976, Paul Johnson's exceptional study of Christianity has been loved and widely hailed for its intensive research, writing, and magnitude--"a tour de force, one of the most ambitious surveys of the history of Christianity ever attempted and perhaps the...
Edici n especial de La historia de cristianismo de Paul Johnson.
Desde los tiempos de san Pablo, pasando por los primeros concilios de la Iglesia y llegando hasta nuestros d as, Johnson ofrece una amplia panor mica de la religi n que durante m s de dos milenios...
A History of Christianity by British journalist & author Johnson aims to be comprehensive. Roman Catholic, he takes the view that "During these two millennia Christianity has, perhaps, proved more influential in shaping human destiny than any other institutional philosophy, but...
First published in 1976, Paul Johnson's exceptional study of Christianity has been loved and widely hailed for its intensive research, writing, and magnitude--"a tour de force, one of the most ambitious surveys of the history of Christianity ever attempted and perhaps the most...