Can’t go wrong with any of the”Prey” of the best.
The Killer calls himself the Maddog. When the urge siezes him, he goes and "collects" a new victim. With each woman he slays, he leaves a note. These notes are the Maddog's "rules".Every note says something different, such as: Never kill anybody you know; never have a motive; never carry a weapon after it has been used. After two murders and a third attempt, Detective Lucas Davenport joins the case. Lucas isn't like other...
A few years ago, I asked the owner of a bookstore to recommend some books for me. She said that she had been home sick for the past week and spent the time reading all of the "prey" books. At the time, I had no idea what she was talking about and thought they might have something to do with religion as in "pray" books. After some further discussion, I realized I had stumbled upon a great series by John Sandford. I started...
My wife bugged me for months to read this series and when I finally broke down, I kicked myself for not starting it sooner. Sandford's books following Minneapolis Police Detective Lucas Davenport are some of the best I've discovered in a long time. I'm working my way through the series and loving it!Davenport is a maverick, brilliant, somewhat-womanizing detective. I wasn't sure at first whether or not I'd like the character,...
This is the first of many John Sandford books I have read. The chapters ping-pong between detective Lucas Davenport and the killers mind. Sometimes you can't tell who's mind you're in! Very suspensefull and it really keeps you interested. I would recommend this book to people who like series books. The prey series in general is all suspensful and thought provoking.
Looking for a new crime to solve? Full of twists, turns, surprises—and a few cats—these twelve beloved detectives and amateur-sleuths will have you binge-reading all night. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about them to pick the perfect next mystery series to sink into.